Professional Firms
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Professional Firms
Professional firms are those which consist of professionals and practitioners and practice non-commercial activities. In setting up a professional firm, 100% foreign ownership, sole proprietorship or civil companies are permitted. The firms, which are registered as professional companies or firms may only practice specific activities and not extend that to any commercial business. These activities include the following services:
- Legal practice and consultancy
- Auditing, Organizing and keeping accounting records and books
- Civil engineering and architecture consultancies.
- Managerial and economic consultancies and studies
- Technical service
- Medical and curative services
- Educational services
Procedures for such License
- The partnership agreement needs to be organized between the partners according to the applicable procedure
- The agreement needs to be authenticated according to the law.
- Apply to the Department of Economic Development in order to obtain the license that is specified on the relevant.
- To select a desired business activity, please refer to the Standard Classification of Economic. Activities published by the Chamber and Department of Economic Development.